Mailis A, Taenzer P. Evidence-based guideline for neuropathic pain interventional treatments: Spinal cord stimulation, intravenous infusions, epidural injections and nerve blocks. Kemler MA, de Vet HC, Barendse GA, et al. In fact, it was precisely this heterogeneity that these researchers sought to capture, a limitation of the study was that the outcomes reflect mean improvements, some of which may be different among different patient subgroups and etiologies, and. de Andrade et al (2016) stated that axial symptoms are a late-developing phenomenon in the course of Parkinson's disease (PD) and represent a therapeutic challenge given their poor response to levodopa therapy and deep brain stimulation. The initial search strategy yielded 430 articles. Neuromodulation. Compared to baseline, subjects reported a significant reduction (p < 0.001) in their mean ( standard error of the mean) VAS scores at 12-month assessment for neck pain (7.6 0.2 cm, n = 42 versus 1.5 0.3 cm, n = 37) and upper limb pain (7.1 0.3 cm, n = 24 versus 1.0 0.2 cm, n = 20). Bagger JP, Jensen BS, Johannsen G. Long-term outcome of spinal cord electrical stimulation in patients with refractory chest pain. Garcia-March G, Sanchez-Ledesma MJ, Diaz P, et al. At 5 years post-treatment, DCS+PT produced results similar to those following PT for pain relief and all other measured variables. Static posturography did not demonstrate a significant improvement in stability measures between the 2 conditions in a stochastic way. A total of 3,435 articles were initially screened, of which 18 met the inclusion criteria. WebCPTis a registered trademark of the American Medical Association Coding Clarification: Transcutaneous electrical joint stimulation devices (E0762) are noninvasive devices that deliver low amplitude pulsed electrical stimulation. Before a decision is made, in exceptional cases, about referral for amputation, DRG stimulation should be considered as a potentially effective treatment, even where conventional SCS has failed to achieve reliable paresthetic cover. Patients treated with DTM SCS also reported an average VAS score reduction of 75 % in back pain, compared with 50 % treated with conventional SCS. Goebel and co-workers (2018) noted that limb amputation is sometimes being performed in long-standing CRPS, although little evidence is available guiding management decisions, including how CRPS recurrence should be managed. Subjects with intractable pain in the back and/or lower limbs were implanted with an active neurostimulator device. During explantation of the surgical paddle lead, it was noted by the neurosurgeon that the contacts of the paddle lead were detached from the lead. Lead & Pulse Generator Placement Codes . One month after implantation of the neurostimulator, there was significant reduction in average self-reported pain to 62% relative to baseline values. Coccygeal fracture pain cured by sacral neuromodulation: A case report. Due to migration, lead breakage issues, and newness of the product and application for peripheral nerves we took stimwave out after the 2nd permanent system had a lead break or had a lead problem. Pain reduction, implant duration, and stimulator migration were registered. .newText { Moreover, myocardial ischemia during treatment (SCS) results in anginal pain. Cervical SCS has been used to treat patients with cervical trauma/disc herniation presenting with arm pain, neck pain, and/or cervicogenic headache. list-style-type: lower-roman; Mannheimer C, Eliasson T, Andersson B, et al. Accessed October 26, 2016. van Bussel CM, Stronks DL, Huygen FJ. background-color: #663399; WebPrimary Navigation Menu. Webstimwave cpt code. The authors concluded that this case series demonstrated that a failure of t-SCS is not necessarily a failure of neuro-stimulation as a whole. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. From the time of diagnosis of last tumor relapse before re-irradiation, median OS was 39 months (95 % confidence intervals [CI]: 0 to 93) for the overall study group: 39 months (95 % CI: 9 to 69) for those with anaplastic gliomas and 16 months for the patient with glioblastoma. color: red!important; Levin K. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Medtronics DTM SCS is a spinal cord stimulation therapy delivered via the Intellis SCS platform to treat patients with chronic, intractable pain. Glycerol injection in the Gasserian cystern provided only temporary results. Success Using Neuromodulation with BURST (SUNBURST) Study: Results from a prospective, randomized controlled trial using a novel burst waveform. His pain score was 8 on a standard 0 to 10 numeric rating scale. Hunter CW, Carlson J, Yang A, Deer T. Spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of failed neck surgery syndrome: Outcome of a prospective case series. Dorsal root ganglion stimulation yielded higher treatment success rate for CRPS and causalgia at 3 and 12 months: Randomized comparative trial. A total of 10 patients (91 %) had good or excellent results. All patients were asked to complete a seven-point Global Perceived Effect (GPE) scale and the Euroqol-5D (EQ-5D) at each post-implant assessment point. Neurosurgery. A RESUME Medtronic electrode was placed at the epidural T-11 level. In patients with CRPS who had had an inadequate response to medical treatment the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was 25,095 pounds per QALY gained. Abu Dabrh AM, Steffen MW, Asi N, et al. These investigators searched multiple databases through November 2014 for controlled randomized and non-randomized studies comparing the effect of medical therapies (prostaglandin E1 and angiogenic growth factors) and devices (pumps and spinal cord stimulators). Direct patient report of percentage of pain relief was 54.2 %, 60.2 %, and 66.8 % at 3, 6, and 12 months post-implantation, respectively. The patient proceeded to implant and received regular programming sessions. Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien). The stimulation devices used in PENS and PNT are not implanted, so CPT code 64590 is also not appropriate. } Webedits are broadly defined and may include any HCPCS II device code with any CPT procedure code used in earlier versions of the edits. 1986;1(2):91-99. All patients reported an improvement in pain. Finally, analyses included in the study were limited to available data that were not collected uniformly for all patients. Patients with significant chronic low back pain (LBP) underwent implantation of a spinal cord stimulator capable of HF10 SCS. Patient inclusion criteria were as follows: The authors noted that this study had several drawbacks: Language services can be provided by calling the number on your member ID card. 2014;17(3):265-271; discussion 271. Elahi F, Reddy C. High cervical epidural neurostimulation for post-traumatic headache management. Finally, study outcomes were not possible to pool due to the heterogeneity of included experiments; therefore, conclusions regarding the optimal stimulation parameters and study protocols cannot be drawn. Taylor RS. Costs and outcomes were assessed for each patient over their first 6-months of the trial. He presented with more than 3 years persistent daily headache. The authors concluded that the findings of this study suggested that combined stimulation of DC and DR may not be superior to DC stimulation alone for inhibition of WDR neurons. A technique with a different neural target than dorsal column stimulationis dorsal root ganglion stimulation (Thompson, 2016). The patient's allodynia and skin lesions improved significantly. Product Code: GZB Device Class: Class II Classification Panel: Neurology 4. The mean follow-up period was 4.4 years (range of 0.3 to 21.1 years). Georgiopoulos M, Katsakiori P, Kefalopoulou Z, et al. This rating has decreased by -4% over the last 12 months. Analgesic use was largely reduced. Effects of combined electrical stimulation of the dorsal column and dorsal roots on wide-dynamic range neuronal activity in nerve-injured rats. OL OL OL OL OL LI { Pain scores were captured on a visual analog scale (VAS) at baseline and at regular follow-up visits. 01:01 Doc's Corner: Treating Heckler DR, Gatchel RJ, Lou L, et al. The effectiveness of SCS was higher for urinary dysfunction (p = 0.0144) and neuropathic pain (p = 0.0030) compared with motor disorders. Amirdelfan K, Vallejo R, Benyamin R, et al. The authors stated that a possible limitation of this study was the lack of a control group, which made it impossible to exclude some placebo effect. As the pain was not satisfactorily controlled by conventional therapy, DRG stimulation was proposed to the patient and, after informed consent, a specifically designed percutaneous stimulation lead was placed over the left L5 DRG and connected to an external neuro-stimulator. Eur Heart J. The investigators stated that significantly more subjects (70.8%) preferred burst stimulation over tonic stimulation (p<0.001). The Senza HF-10 DCS is a bit different than the previously mentioned devices, as it utilizes high frequency stimulation, the first device to receive FDA approval to treat chronic pain without creating/causing paresthesia. stimwave cpt code. Hunter CW, Yang A. Dorsal root ganglion stimulation for chronic pelvic pain: A case series and technical report on a novel lead configuration. 2015;6:CD009389. This review discusses sacral nerve stimulation; but it does not mention the use of SCS as a therapeutic option. Two patients with lower extremity CRPS, previously implanted with t-SCS systems, experienced relapses in the pain despite exhaustive re-programming. PACE. This tripolar SCS provided relief of abdominal and thoracic pain, and better management of gastro-intestinal symptoms. Share. } Ryan MM. Despite a considerable number of ESCS studies, a comprehensive systematic review of ESCS remains unpublished. Pain relief persisted through 12 months in most subjects. Aetna considers dorsal root ganglion stimulators (e.g., Axium Neurostimulator System) medically necessary for moderate to severe chronicintractable pain of the lower limbsin persons with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) types I and II, when general medical necessity criteria for spinal cord stimulators in Section I are met. It was concluded that DCS is a useful technique for patients with severe intractable angina who have failed to respond to standard therapies. Management of chronic central neuropathic pain following traumatic spinal cord injury. van Buyten et al (2015) reported on a prospective case series of DRG in complex regional pain syndrome. In a third publication from the same RCT (NCT03228420), Peterson, et al. An RCT testing 10-kHz SCS versus CMM in 216 participants with PDN revealed 76 % mean pain relief after 6 months of stimulation. Two reviewers independently screened the studies, extracted the data, and examined the quality of included trials. 2017;20(7):629-641. Functional improvements were reported in stepping (n = 11) or muscle force (n = 4). The overall motor score of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale in the on/off-stimulation condition remained unchanged in 6 patients and improved in 18 patients after SCS. While there has been past success using the sacral region as a target for SCS to treat these patients, there remains to be a consensus on the optimal location for lead placement. The wearable Has anyone billed this out before please? Working capacity was not significantly improved. This research group has examined the modulation of gene expression in neurons and glial cells after SCS, specifically focusing on transcriptomic changes induced by varying SCS stimulation parameters. Concomitant reductions in overall pain, leg pain, pain interference, mood, and QOL were also found. 1994;23(7):1592-1597. de Jongste MJL, Staal MJ. 1995;37(6):1088-1095. Taylor C, McHugh C, Mockler D, et al. Spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of cervical trauma with disc herniation presenting with arm pain, neck pain, and/or cervicogenic headache was not discussed in the review. Liem L, Russo M, Huygen FJ, et al. $6, 604 63655 Laminectomy for implantation of neurostimulator electrodes, plate/paddle, epidural 5464 J1 . WebStimRouter PNS reimbursement information including CPT codes, ICD10 codes, and HCPCS II codes. In 8 patients the pain was due to reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) in the late stage of the disease, and 3 patients had severe idiopathic Raynaud's disease. 2009;13(17):iii, ix-x, 1-154. Deer T, Slavin KV, Amirdelfan K, et al. De Andres and colleagues (2017) noted that SCS for patients with failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) showed variable results and limited to moderate evidence. Treatment success was observed in 59 % of the SCS and in 7 % of the BMT patients (p < 0.01). In addition to a higher proportion of pain responders compared with pharmacotherapy or low-frequency SCS, 10-kHz SCS did not induce paresthesia, an advantage for PDN patients with uncomfortable paresthesia at baseline. 1991;56(1):20-27. Vegetative state and minimally conscious state:A review of the therapeutic interventions. UpToDate [online serial]. However, there is no consensus on patient selection or technical aspects of SCS for such pain. Romano M, Zucco F, Allaria B, Grieco A. Epidural spinal cord stimulation in the treatment of refractory angina pectoris. The authors concluded that in this study using PET, SCS increased glucose metabolism in RBI and peri-RBI areas. The SCS system was implanted only if trial stimulation was successful. Patient 2 was unable to undergo a trial with DRG-SCS because of health insurance constraints, so she elected to undergo a surgical revision of her existing system whereby a DRG-SCS system was added to the existing t-SCS to create a hybrid system with 2 implantable pulse generators. Intermittent pneumatic compression (OR, 0.14; 95 % CI: 0.04 to 0.55) and spinal cord stimulators (OR, 0.53; 95 % CI: 0.36 to 0.79) were associated with reduced risk of amputation. The authors concluded that sacral neuromodulation has the potential for treatment of coccygeal pain. This unblindedstudy had several drawbacks that may affect the interpretation of the results. *Note: The following are the only FES devices verified by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) An UpToDate review on Celiac artery compression syndrome (Scovell and Hamdan, 2020) does not mention dorsal column stimulation / spinal cord stimulation as a management / therapeutic option. The authors concluded that despite there being enough evidence to consider upper cervical spinal cord stimulation as an effective treatment for patients with neuropathic trigeminal pain, a RCT is needed to fully evaluate its indications and outcomes and compare it with other therapeutic approaches. In contrast, HRP or LRP yielded weak or very weak correlations for these transcriptomes. Descriptive statistics were used analyze additional endpoints and to characterize the safety profile of the device. It is plausible that different results could have been obtained when using female rats based on evidence that suggested a gender-dependent mechanism on mechanical hypersensitivity in mice pain models, and gene expression in a rat pain model. They were followed-up for 21 to 62 months. 2015;18(7):592-598. 2005;21(3):351-358. While all previous clinical treatments proved ineffective, cervical SCS afforded satisfactory results. Taylor RJ, Taylor RS. color:#eee; Shatin D, Mullett K, Hults G. Totally implantable spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain: Design and efficacy. The initial management of chronic pelvic pain. The device consists of an implanted electrode array, a separate implanted receiver, and an external transmitter. WebC1767 Generator, neurostimulator (implantable), nonrechargeable C1778 Lead, neurostimulator (implantable) C1787 Patient programmer, neurostimulator L8679 Codes require Prior Approval by the Plan. A total of 7 patients had SCS applied during the scheduled re-irradiation and chemotherapy for the treatment of recurrent HGG (6 anaplastic gliomas and 1 glioblastoma). A trial and subsequent permanent placement of dorsal column spinal cord stimulator with paresthesia-free programming was successful in managing her central pain, illustrating a potential role of PF-SCS in treating patients with MS. text-decoration: underline; London: Wessex Institute for Health Research and Development, University of Southampton; 2001. Electrical fields are generated that can selectively stimulate different parts of the dorsal root ganglia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 1998;97(12):1157-1163. In a prospective, open-label, multi-center, SENZA-PDN randomized clinical trial (NCT03228420), these researchers examined if 10-kHz SCS would improve outcomes for patients with refractory DPN. At both 6 and 12 months, 86 % (72 of 84) were treatment responders, defined as those with at least 50 % pain relief from baseline. The data reported were from an RCT in which SCS patients were randomized to either the treatment or control arm, with 79 subjects implanted and followed over the course of 12 months. Finally, studies must also include improvement of the methodological rigor for data collection, processing and reporting in particular of EMG data. Trial evidence failed to demonstrate that pain relief in critical limb ischemia (CLI) was better for SCS than for CMM; however, it suggested that SCS was effective in delaying refractory angina pain onset during exercise at short-term follow-up, although not more so than coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for those patients eligible for that surgery. The authors concluded that SCS reduced the pain intensity and improves health status in the majority of the CRPS I patients in this study. A total of 198 subjects with both back and leg pain were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to a treatment group across 10 comprehensive pain treatment centers. Strand and Burkey (2021) carried out a review to examine the evidence for SCS from published RCTs as well as prospective studies exploring the safety and effectiveness of treating PDN with neuromodulation. Aetna considers DCS medically necessary DME for the management of intractable angina in members who are not surgical candidates and whose pain is unresponsive to all standard therapies when all of the following criteria are met: Contraindications to dorsal column stimulation for intractable angina are presented in an Appendix to the Background section of this CPB. There were no increases in the frequency of ischemic attacks, the total ischemic burden, or the number of arrhythmic episodes during treatment with DCS. Following implantation of temporary bilateral octi-polar thoracic epidural electrodes and constant low-grade stimulation, episodes of VT and VF were eradicated, and a permanent system was surgically implanted uneventfully. 2003;6(1):20-26. Genes for each activation transcriptome were identified within the authors dataset and gene expression levels were compared with that of healthy animals, nave to injury and interventional procedures. Conventional LF-SCS and high-frequency 10-kHz SCS are supported by high-quality evidence from RCTs and prospective studies. Each patient underwent a clinical evaluation before and after real tDCS or sham stimulation. Clinical Guideline No. Economic analyses were performed to model the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of SCS in patients with neuropathic or ischemic pain. jenner communications office. 1991b;28(5):692-699. Seventeen patients were randomly assigned to one of the two groups: Quality of life was assessed by daily and social activity scores and recording sublingual glyceryl trinitrate consumption and angina pectoris episodes in a diary. CPT Coding Patients who had a successful trial (> 50% improvement) received the fully implantable neuromodulation system. } Exclusion criteria included myocardial infarction or unstable angina in the last 3 months; significant valve abnormalities as demonstrated by echocardiography; and somatic disorders of the spine leading to insurmountable technical problems in treatment. Copyright Aetna Inc. All rights reserved. At 3 months post-implantation, 92.4 % of patients indicated they were very satisfied/satisfied with the SCS device. Deer TR, Skaribas IM, Haider N, et al. Deer TR, Levy RM, Kramer J, et al. Spinal cord stimulation for visceral pain from chronic pancreatitis. One patient had a second electrode implanted in the cervical region which relieved typical neuropathic hand pains. Efficacy of spinal cord stimulation as adjuvant therapy for intractable angina pectoris: A prospective, randomized clinical study. Furthermore, an UpToDate review on Treatment of chronic pelvic pain in women (Howard, 2013) states that In general, neuromodulation for CPP has not been well-studied. For these 2 indications, it appears that the sacral neuromodulation has a significant improvement in pain. Cervical spinal cord stimulation for pain: A report of 41 patients. The primary end-point was a composite of safety and effectiveness at 3 months and subjects were assessed through 12 months for long-term outcomes and adverse events (AEs). 1993;52:55-61. de Vos CC, Rajan V, Steenbergen W, et al. } 2019;10:109. z-index: 99; 2016;30(6):685-686. The average pain reduction was 71.4 5.6%, and 82.6% (19/23) of patients experienced a > 50% reduction in their pain at the latest follow-up. The term remitter has previously been used to classify patients with a pain score of 2.5 or less. The authors found that DCS significantly improved quality of life and exercise capacity in these patients and that the beneficial effects of DCS may be mediated via an improvement of oxygen supply to the heart in addition to an analgesic effect. 52. A total of 12 patients with significant chronic discogenic LBP due to FBSS were included. CPT codes 63650, 63655, and 63661-63664 describe the operative placement, revision, replacement, or removal of the spinal neurostimulator system components to Chen JL, Hesseltine AW, Nashi SE, et al. ICD-10-PCS procedure codes are used instead of CPT codes to report hospital inpatient procedure only. CPT code 64999 billed for percutaneous neuromodulation Primary end-point of the study was overall survival (OS) following confirmation of HGG relapse. By scrutinizing titles and abstracts, these investigators found 412 articles irrelevant to the analytical purpose of this systematic review due to different scopes of diseases or different methods of intervention (intra-thecal infusion system; oral medication) or aims other than pain control (spinal cord function monitoring, bladder function restoration or amelioration of organ metabolism). Forouzanfar T, Kemler MA, Weber WE, et al. Sidiropoulos et al (2014) reported on the clinical effectiveness of epidural thoracic SCS on gait and balance in a 39-year old man with genetically confirmed spinocerebellar ataxia 7. Washington, DC: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG); March 2004 (Re-affirmed 2008). As a group, patients in the DTM SCS group fell below this level with a mean VAS score of 1.74 for back pain and 1.4 for leg pain. Patients underwent trial therapy where specifically designed leads were implanted at the target DRGs between T12 and L4. Management of diabetic neuropathy. 2006;31(4 Suppl):S25-S29. The mean neck and upper limb pain at baseline was 8.8 (range of 7.0 to 10) and 7.5 (range of 6.0 to 9.0) according to the VAS. WebCPT codes for percutaneous implantation of neurostimulator electrodes (i.e., 6455364561) are not appropriate since PENS and PNT use percutaneously inserted needles and wires rather than percutaneously implanted electrodes. Barna SA, Hu MM, Buxo C, et al. Four patients failed SCS trial: their average baseline VAS pain score was 7 +/- 2.4 cm and did not improve at the conclusion of the trial (6.5 +/- 1.9 cm; p = 0.759). 2018;21(5):495-503. Clavo B, Robaina F, Montz R, et al. font-size: 18px; The mean patient satisfaction scores (PSS) did not differ throughout the whole 1-year follow-up period. Primary DI Number: 00818225020464. } Aetna does not provide health care services and, therefore, cannot guarantee any results or outcomes. list-style-type: lower-alpha; (2022) reported on additional secondary endpoints related to health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Diagnosis of meralgia paresthetica is typically made clinically and is based on the characteristic location of pain or dysesthesia, sensory abnormality on exam, and absence of any other neurological abnormality in the leg. The authors stated that this analysis had several drawbacks due to use of a commercial database. In a RCT with a 1-year follow-up (n = 22), de Jongste and Staal (1993) found that DCS improved both the quality of life and cardiac parameters of patients with refractory angina pectoris. Al-Kaisy A, Van Buyten JP, Smet I,et al. These investigators reviewed the effectiveness of SCS for the treatment of motor symptoms of PD and evaluated the technical and pathophysiological mechanisms that may influence the outcome efficacy of SCS. Furthermore, this treatment may provide pain relief in those patients with CRPS recurrence in the stump after amputation. Treating providers are solely responsible for medical advice and treatment of members. Current views on neurostimulation in the treatment of cardiac ischemic syndromes. North RB, Kidd DH, Olin J, et al. These researchers presented a case of intractable meralgia paresthetica in which conservative therapeutic options failed but which was successfully treated with a spinal cord stimulator (SCS). PM&R90 said: I have had good results with Stimwave. There is currently insufficient evidence to support the combined use of dorsal column stimulation and dorsal root ganglion stimulation for the treatment of CRPS or any other indications. Another important aspect that was not evaluated in this study was the effect of tDCS on orthostatic hypotension, particularly in patients with cerebellar variant of multiple system atrophy, considering the prominent involvement of autonomic pathways in this disease, bearing in mind the possible effects of spinal tDCS on the intermedio-lateral gray columns of the spinal cord. A priori established subgroup analyses (combined versus single therapy; randomized versus non-randomized) were not statistically significant. Therapy included the latest HD stimulation settings including a pulse width of 90 s, a frequency setting of 1,000-Hz, and an amplitude range of 1.5 amps to 2.0 amps. The methods employed by included studies relating to stimulation parameters and outcome measurement varied extensively, although some trends are beginning to appear in relation to electrode configuration and EMG outcomes. 2018;91(12):e1090-e1101. In addition, local anesthetic / steroid injection of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve provided only short-term relief. Acommercially sponsored uncontrolledtrialreported on outcomes ofDRG stimulation in complex regional pain syndrome(Liem et al, 2015). J Neurosurg. 2013;16(1):73-77; discussion 77. 2021 Nov 29 [Online ahead of print]. A total 89 patients consented to being included in the analysis; 61 % (54/89) of participants were men and the average age was 64.4 years (SD = 9.1). De Vet HC, Barendse GA, et al. aetna does not mention the use a. Or less single therapy ; randomized versus non-randomized ) were not collected uniformly all! Necessarily a failure of neuro-stimulation as a therapeutic option very satisfied/satisfied with the SCS and 7... Pectoris: a report of 41 patients an external transmitter pain cured by sacral neuromodulation has potential! Of included trials glycerol injection in the pain intensity and improves health status in the study was overall (! 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Endpoints and to characterize the safety profile of the SCS device include improvement of BMT... An external transmitter ), Peterson, et al. conventional LF-SCS and high-frequency 10-kHz SCS supported. Os ) following confirmation of HGG relapse analysis had several drawbacks due to use of spinal. Relief persisted through 12 months: randomized comparative trial the investigators stated that this analysis several! Relieved typical neuropathic hand pains addition, local anesthetic / steroid injection of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve only. Arm pain, leg pain, pain interference, mood, and HCPCS II device code with any procedure. Combined versus single therapy ; randomized versus non-randomized ) were not collected for... Was significant reduction in average self-reported pain to 62 % relative to baseline..